Making Marriage Better
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10 sessions
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About the Course
Enhancing and Rebuilding Marital Relationships
The "Making Marriage Better" program is a comprehensive 10-session journey to enrich and revitalise marriages. It's designed to teach couples how to build a fulfilling marriage, keep love vibrant, and effectively manage the boredom, conflict, and stress of marital life. Participants will explore ways to maintain passion, cultivate a loving relationship, and appreciate their partner's uniqueness.
Session Overview:
What If I've Married the Wrong Person?
Motivating and encouraging couples for positive change and growth in their marriage.
Keys to a Lasting Relationship
Identifying key behaviours for healthy intimacy and exploring eight attitudes essential for relationship growth.
The Origin and Purpose of Marriage
Addressing the theology of marriage, the miracle of maleness and femaleness, and challenging stereotypes in relationship dynamics.
Personally Committed
Emphasising the importance of mutual knowledge and understanding, exploring barriers to lasting relationships, and discussing the theological aspects of commitment.
Examining differences in male and female communication styles and addressing effective communication strategies.
Investing Time
Building on intimacy, understanding individual needs, and emphasising the importance of spending time together.
Family of Origin
Exploring the influence of family background on relationships and introducing the concept of "honouring" in marital dynamics.
Conflict Management
Identifying and addressing negative patterns in relationships and role-playing to demonstrate healthy conflict resolution.
Sexuality and Intimacy
Discussing physiological, psychological, and behavioural aspects of sexuality, addressing gender differences, and offering practical suggestions for enhancing intimacy.
Tackling misconceptions about happiness in marriage, emphasising the importance of forgiveness, and defining what forgiveness entails in a marital context.